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‘Nyttig virksomhed’ is our Group’s long-standing purpose

Arnold Peter Møller defined the purpose of the A.P. Møller Group in the charter of the A.P. Møller Foundation in 1953: Businesses should be developed to have a positive impact on society, while also being financially sound and profitable. In Danish, Arnold Peter Møller called this ‘nyttig virksomhed’.

Over the last decades, the A.P. Moller Group has invested in and built many businesses that have a positive impact on society – and this continues to be our purpose.

Heat with no fire

For hundreds of thousands of years, we have heated our caves and buildings with fire, using the planet’s resources and creating emissions to provide comfort and convenience. What if sustainable technology could heat our homes without starting a fire?

Again & again & again

Chances are that some of the ingredients for the office lunch or your dinner tonight were packed in plastic. And while that is good news for the food’s shelf life, we all know that plastic is bad news for the planet, right? Plastic waste is a huge problem, but what if we could make that waste into perfectly good packaging again?

“…I believe money is a tool to be put to work. Recently, someone said that nobody starts anything for idealistic reasons. I disagree…”
A.P. Møller, 1958

'Nyttig virksomhed' through time

Helping the town of Svendborg

Early venture funding in Africa

Money at work & the Concession

“… on Danish hands”